The Nine Days

I am not at home this year to cook for the nine days but I am seeing many posts on social media of people panicking over what to make and how much meat other people eat on a regular weekly basis. For my household the nine days are not super difficult as we eat a plant based flexitarian diet during the week. A normal week's meals will consist of one night intentionally a meatless meal, one night of fish, perhaps something egg based another night and lots of healthy salads and soups. If I were home this would be my menu:

Salmon Kerala Style - herby indian infusion on top of fresh salmon roasted until just done

Leftover salmon crumbled over a hearty salad

Greek Salad with feta & vegetarian dolmas

Shabbat - a regular menu as it is Shabbat

Motzei Shabbat - salad & fish left over from Shabbat

Quesadillas with salads & salsa

Eggroll in a bowl made with vegan crumbles

Veggie Curry over brown rice

Whole Wheat Pasta w/ dairy free Alfredo And steamed veggies

Nothing over the top and nothing fancy, just simple flavorful summer meals. With kids it can be more difficult (trust me I once had the king of picky eaters in my home) but again kids will eat what they see us eating. Salads, fish, healthy pasta dishes. The meals you serve do not have to be heavy on dairy and carbs. It is ok to serve breakfast for dinner occasionally as well or to make tuna sandwiches.

Hopefully I will be back in full swing planning regular weekly menus after Tisha B’Av.




Summer Tour - Part 1